Taj and Diwaker Immigration Services is a full-service immigration firm that offers a complete range of Immigration  servicesWith years of combined experience in immigration,  business, sales, and consultancy  – our services encompass all aspects of immigration-related matters. From the initial free assessment of your candidacy to immigrate to the detailed processing of your application to prepare you for your pre-arrival interview right up to the issuance of your Visa, WE DO IT ALL !!!

Our Services Do Not Stop There!! Once you have arrived in the country, we also provide full settlement services too. We are committed to helping and providing you with the tools and knowledge necessary to settle down, access the array of complimentary government services and community supports, and if need be, help you secure a full-time job.

Our Immigration Service Commitment:

When you retain our services, we as an immigration consultancy firm will assist you through all the procedures of immigration by following the listed guidelines:

  • Identify and evaluate your eligibility under the most suitable option for Canadian immigration
  • Initiate the legal process by completing the required application forms and documents
  • Professionally advise you on the necessary steps to meet the legal requirements
  • Communicating and /or following up with the Visa office, on your behalf
  • Preparing you for your personal interview (if and when required) with the Visa office

Our mission is to always be professionally approachable, available, responsive, trustworthy, and communicative with our clients and be your voice to address Canadian immigration law and authorities.

Our Services

  •  Visitor Visa 
  •  Express Entry 
  •  LMIA Service 
  •  Citizenship & PR Applications 
  •  Study Visa & Pathway to Immigration 
  •  Work Permit 
  •  Spousal Sponsorship 
  •  PNP 
  •  Parents & Grandparents Sponsorship 
  •  Super Visa 


Canada Citizenship Is Granted To Individuals If They Meet Certain Criteria:

  • Be a  permanent resident 
  • Have lived in Canada for 3 or the last 5 years or 1095 days
  • Have filed your taxes for the required years preceding your Canadian  Citizenship Application 
  • Provide language skills proof ( English or French)
  • Pass a Citizenship test

You Can Start Your Canadian Citizenship Application If You:

  •  Have never been in Canada in the five (5) years immediately before the date of your application, since you became a permanent resident, or whichever is the most recent
  • Are you On probation in Canada
  • Are you On parole in Canada
  • An inmate of a penitentiary, jail, reformatory, or prison in Canada
  • Are you now serving a sentence outside Canada for an offense
  • Are now charged with, on trial for, or subject to or a party to an appeal relating to an offense under the Citizenship Act or an Indictable offense in Canada;
  • Are now charged with, on trial for, or subject to or a party to an appeal relating to an offense committed outside Canada
  • Are now, or have ever been, under a removal order (have been asked by Canadian officials to leave Canada
  • Are  now under investigation for, charged with, on trial for, subject to, or a party to an appeal relating to or have been convicted of a war crime or a crime against humanity
  • Where in the past five (5) years,  prohibited from being granted citizenship or taking the oath of citizenship because of misrepresentation or withholding material circumstances
  • In the past four (4) years, have you been convicted in Canada of an indictable offense under any Act of Parliament or an offense under the Citizenship Act;
  • Where in the past four (4) years,  been convicted outside Canada of an offense, regardless of whether you were pardoned or otherwise granted amnesty for the offense.

While a permanent resident, have you:

  • Been convicted in Canada of terrorism, high treason, treason, or spying offenses;
  • Been convicted outside Canada of terrorism;
  • Served as a member of an armed force of a country or organized armed group and that country or group engaged in armed conflict with Canada.

 Start Your Application Today 

Humanitarian And Compassionate Ground Canada

Discretion is a valuable element of Canada’s immigration system. Humanitarian & Compassionate (H&C) Application uses this discretionary tool’s flexibility to gain approval in deserving cases which are not covered by the legislation.

An H&C assessment considers circumstances and/or factors that may be sufficiently compelling to allow for the requested exemption. In Canada, an H&C application must accompany an application for permanent residency in Canada.

The onus is entirely upon the applicant to be clear in the submissions as to exactly what hardship they would face if they are not granted the requested exemptions.

Effective decision-making in H&C cases involves a lot of precision in making the application.  Our experienced consultants can take you to step by step through the process of filing a sensitive and strong application.

Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA)

If you’re a foreigner and are thinking about applying for a Canadian work permit then you should be familiar with the Labor market impact assessment. If you are not, let us tell you all about it! The Labor market impact assessment is also called a confirmation letter; it is a document that a Canadian employer may need to get before hiring you as a temporary foreign worker.

A labor market impact assessment is meant to show that a foreign worker is needed to fill the job position. It is also supposed to show that no Canadian permanent resident or citizen is available to fill that position. You can only apply for a work permit once your employer gets an approved labor market impact assessment. The employer will also need to apply for an LMIA and wait for it to be approved before giving it to you.

Not every foreigner needs a labor market impact assessment document, although some Canadian work permits are LMIA-exempt most of them require it before your application can be processed.

Who Needs A Labor Market Impact Assessment?

If you do not have a temporary work permit and you are a temporary foreign worker, your employer to be would need to get you a labor market impact assessment ( LMIA). If you’re a foreign worker already working in Canada, you may also need an LMIA if

1. You get a job offer from a Canadian employer that is different from the one on your current work permit.
2. You have an open work permit that is not linked to any employer.
3. If you’re authorized to come work in Canada without a work permit, for example as a business visitor.

The burden of applying for an LMIA does not rest on your shoulder if you’re a temporary foreign worker. Rather the burden rests on the shoulders of your employer to be. Your proposed employer is in charge of applying and handing over to you the labor market assessment document. The LMIA number and the copy of the document are what you require for your work permit application.

Similarly, If you are a Canadian employer And Want To Hire Foreign Workers, LMIA Might Be The Right Option For You. A Positive LMIA Will Show That There Is A Need For A Foreign Worker To Fill A Specific Job, As There Is No Canadian Worker Available To Do That Job